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Future plan

Our team hopes to try more meaningful ideas in the future, including but not limited to the following.

Free trading protocols and marketplaces:

Free trading protocols and marketplaces: Provide an NFT trading market that can reduce or exempt all handling fees at the contract protocol level, helping the NFT community to reduce transaction costs. The royalties of the collection will be retained, which is respect for the original creators, who can decide whether to provide free transactions.

Toolchain for NFT Teams

Provide a complete tool chain to help NFT teams with artistic and creative ability to publish NFT projects safely, cheaply and conveniently. Includes technical SDKs, as well as code-free visualization for rapid market deployment.

Cross-chain NFT collection:

After the Satoshi Chain MainNet goes online, the aggregated NFTs will be able to be directly transferred between ETH and the BTCS main chain.

The longer the NFT is held, the greater the rewards will be obtained in the future. But rest assured, you don't need to stake your NFT, just hold it in a fixed wallet address. You can safely use your NFT in various occasions, such as Twitter Blue, etc.

A more diverse set of unique extensions:

21,000 unique images are already a lot, but they may not be able to satisfy the accelerated development of NFT and Web3 communities. We will create better collections for more community users in the future. By holding the basic collection of Satoshi, you can participate in priority in the future and get the content of the extended collection for free.